Archives for category: love

My local Third Order has been going through the book “Franciscan Spirituality” by Brother Ramon over the last months and discussing a chapter each month. Since I find very little time for reading books at this stage in my life, I’ve always been behind.

During my Franciscan time today I read the chapter “The Evangelical Counsels” which explored and explained the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience within the Franciscan Order.

I’ve always been drawn to the challenge and counter-cultural aspect of Poverty and I hope that my family and I learn to joyfully live much more simple and uncluttered lives. It is certainly a confusing idea at the moment when we are moving to a larger house and where Toby and Milo, 3 and 1, have (and need?) so many toys and books and play things. I’m also aware that Poverty challenges me, and our society, in terms of our technology, devices and gadgets. It’s not so much the cost of these things than the distractions they provide making our lives more complex rather than more simple.

Chastity always felt like the easy one, suggesting simple faithfulness to Mary-Lou. But Brother Ramon suggests:

We know that all our relationships, all our creativity, inspiration, and appreciation of things good, true and beautiful are suffused by our sexuality, which lends warmth, tenderness, and enchantment.

Celibacy, in such a context, is not a denial of sexuality, but a way of sharing that has not only an intellectual, but also an emotional and tender dimension.

My sexuality feels very shallow in this light!

The thing which stuck with me most from Brother Ramon’s writing about Obedience was the origin of the word.

The word obedience comes from the Latin root audire – to hear, to listen. The prefix, making it ob-audire, signifies instant and alert listening.

So the vow of Obedience is to be alert to the voice of The Spirit at all times, and react out of love for God, something I eagerly want to learn.

It’s been a while.

And in that time Mary-Lou and I have had a son – Toby Jacob Gibbs – on April 1st! So that has been messing with the thoughts in my head and the desires of my heart.

Many other thoughts have also been going through my mind having read some interesting books, heard some challenging people and had some good chats.

I hope to be able to share them here more regularly from now on. I’ve still got alot to say and even more questions.

A couple of weekends ago we were at a friends wedding at a Manor House in the Countryside which was quite overwhelming, especially since he and his bride had paid for us to stay there over the weekend.The Wedding took place on the Saturday and I welled up and almost cried at 3 points during the day. Looking back on those times I think I was overcome with joy each time, but for different reasons.

The first moment was at the beginning of the ceremony. Now, my friend is the kind of character who needed his own entrance into the hall! The service began with a great rendition of the song “Oh Happy Day” which got everyone excited, then towards the end of the song, my friend came in with his 9 (yes, 9) best men jumping and hollaring and whooping in celebration of their mates imminent marriage.

My chest felt squeezed and my throat tightened as I saw such awesome joy in my friend as he bounced and whooped down the aisle, but it was especially due to the joy his best men had in celebrating this moment in his life. My eyes certainly watered as they partied down the aisle encouraging the whole congregation to join in with their jubilation.

The next moment of joy which made me well up was during one of the worship songs in the ceremony. I looked forward to see the special couple and saw my friends hair bobbing up and down as he was consumed in his worship of God. I think it was seeing the joy my friend had in giving thanks to God for this day and moment of marriage that got to me and made my heart feel heavy again.

The other time when I felt moved enough to cry was during the reception as my friend was finishing his speech. I knew he studied music at university (where I met him) and that his chosen instrument was his voice, but I had never heard him sing opera. But to conclude his speach, he sang a piece of opera to his new wife. The piece went on for alot longer than I thought was necessary, but I think that it’s length and the fact that he never moved his eyes from hers was what made me tingle with delight in seeing his total joy in and devotion to his new wife.

I hadn’t seen or felt such joy for a long, long time, and each moment shook me. It is quite strange to want to cry for joy because your physical responses are so similar to when you cry because of pain, except there is no pain, only delight.