I could never had said that before 2 weeks ago, but last week it all changed.

In my work among skateboarders in Manchester I have learned alot about how Manchester is ruled and who the “power players” are. Manchester is pretty much run by The 5 Fathers Of Manchester, 5 men who lead and run the City Council. The undue influence these men have and the thwarting of democracy around them makes me angry.

I was telling a friend of my frustrations in not being able to find any christians who know any of the information I know, let alone any who cared enough to want to change it or research it more. But my friend did know of some and pointed me to this conference I attended last week.

The way I see many things has changed considerably due to this conference and what was taught. One of the first things we learned was to desire power. Now this felt very uncomfortable to begin with. Infact, I believed that theologically we were to avoid power at all costs and serve selflessly instead. This was probably because I have seen those in power abuse it. But then I discovered what power really is.

The primary meaning of the word POWER is “the ability to act or make a difference”.

Now if that is what power is, than I want as much as I can get because there are so many things that need to be made different (better) in this world and I want to help make these changes. I’m talking about making things better for the poor, isolated, oppressed, hurt and dying.

There is huge inequality both economically and socially in Manchester alone, and far greater inequality globally. I see no other Christian response than to do all I can to change this.

And to make a difference, I need power, and lot’s of it!